Sunday, July 15, 2012

Composition Tip: Just Do It

Very simple. If you want to compose a piece then just do it. Very simple. If you have dreamed of writing an opera, a symphony or song for kids, just do it. Now. 

 As a teacher I work with composition students from different backgrounds and skill sets. The one thing that holds true for all of them is that a piece usually doesn't just write itself out. You (the composer) must actually put pen (pencil, computer, however you write music) to paper and compose. It is very easy to think about what a fabulous piece it is going to be. It is difficult to actually write a fabulous piece. My advice would be to spend less time thinking about what an awesome piece it is going to be and spend more time writing this soon-to-be awesome piece. The single best way to become a good composer (later this week I'll talk about the 2nd best way to become a good composer) is to write a lot of music. Mozart composed a lot of symphonies (41). How many are actually performed with any kind of regularity? Maybe 5 or 6.

In the words of Nike, "just do it." 

scores, tabs, and mp3s available at

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